THE DUST OF THE ANCESTORS at the Literaturhaus Stuttgart
This exhibition THE DUST OF THE ANCESTORS, which has already been shown at several museums (e.g. at the Museum for Sepulchral Art Kassel), presents a selection of original illustrations from the graphic novel with the same title and created by Felix Pestemer. The artist from Berlin uses his book to familiarize his audience with customs and traditions of the Mexican Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos), presenting a culture where death is not a taboo but has a permanent place in the everyday lives of people, a culture that celebrates the death and makes skeletons dance. In addition to a Making of of Pestemer’s novel, visitors have the opportunity to learn more about the Día de los Muertos from a lecture by Maike Sander (MEINLEBENLANG).
Maike Sander interview (German)
Felix Pestemer interview (German)
Program of the Dragon Days Festival (German)
Exhibition, Día de los Muertos lecture, Making of of the graphic novel
Friday, July 12th, 2013, 8 p.m.
Felix Pestemer, Maike Sander
Location: Conference Room, Large Hall
Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Breitscheidstraße 4
70174 Stuttgart