Exhibition “Ein Leben lang” (“All your life”) at the NGBK Berlin
In mid-summer, on July 25th, 2008, around 7 p.m., the exhibition “Ein Leben lang” (“All your life”) opens at the Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst (New Society for Visual Arts, NGBK). The artistic works address the issue of the lifelong process of aging.
When I was recently (2008) walking past a pile of trash, something made me stop. With a slight premonition, I circled the waste to have a close look at it from all sides, yet I failed to notice anything special. However, I was precautious enough to take a photo of it in case I had overlooked something that would later catch my eye – when suddenly a hummingbird appeared out of thin air, chasing a bumblebee. Thunderstruck I stared at the display of the camera: There it was – the grave of the horticulturist!
“Ein Leben lang”
Opening on July 25, 2008, 7 p.m.
From July 26 to August 31, 2008
Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst e.V.
Oranienstraße 25
10999 Berlin
Artists: Birgit Brenner (DE), Baldur Burwitz (DE), Lenka Clayton & James Price (GB), John Coplans (US), Donigan Cumming (CA), Evelina Deicmane (LV) Regine von Felten (CH), Margi Geerlinks (NL), Peter Granser (DE), Friederike Kersten (DE), Felix Pestemer (DE), Annegret Soltau (DE), Miwa Yanagi (JP)
Info link (German):
– “Ein Leben lang” / NGBK
– Puttbill graphic serial ‘Trash & Compost’