Shopping Spree
Stephan Kurr / mark / Felix Pestemer & GloReiche Nachbarschaft
The focus of this year’s competition »Posters made political« is the connection between the outlying district of Berlin-Hellersdorf and the Alexanderplatz—the latter being an emblem of the urban downtown hub as well as the original competition venue. Under the motto “Right to the City“ artistic projects examine the relationship between urban policy and civic participation, and ask: Who is the city? Who does it belong to?
Felix Pestemer und GloReiche Nachbarschaft
»Shopping Spree«, »Sozial Romantiker«, »Crane Invasion«
The artist Felix Pestemer is part of the Kreuzberg initiative GloReiche Nachbarschaft, which campaigns against how local tenants are being squeezed out of their ’hood. His images derive from conversations with fellow members of the initiative. The most critical issues are the sell-out of the city to international investors, the spiraling rents caused by luxury developments on former vacant lots, and the devastating effect on the local population of ill-considered and pro-business urban planning.
GloReiche Nachbarschaft
For a social city – against expulsion
Join an initiative in your neighbourhood! /netzwerk
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