Reviews of „In the Eye of the Beholder”
“It is one of those moments when the reader of the book “In the Eye of the Beholder” seems to dive into a world apart that is familiar from old paintings but has never been as lively and accessible to us as it is here.”
Lars von Törne, Der Tagesspiegel
“Artist Felix Pestemer, together with Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, has set out to enthuse both old and young for the delights of museums. He has done that in an exciting project involving the medium of the contemporary graphic novel, carried out with great attention to detail in terms of content and design.”
Herbert Lechner, novum
“Felix Pestemer tells his stories with pencil and brush – and he is a real master in doing so.”
Andrea Heinze, rbb Kultur
“Felix Pestemer brings together high culture and entertainment in a refreshing manner.”
Sebstian Bauer, B.Z.
“Imagination and historical fact are walking hand in hand. The book stirs up curiosity for the world of the Prussian kings and the local history of Berlin. It is recommended to younger readers – but not just to them.”
Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung