Small Publishers at the Greater Wannsee
For avant-Verlag, author Felix Pestemer teams up with publisher Johann Ulrich in a staged reading of the abysmal finale of ‘The Dust of the Ancestors’ (approx. 5 p.m.). The foundation for this rather theatrical mise en scène will be laid by the video clip “Peyotl”, animated by Max von Bock, with sound and music conceptualized by Tim Kroker (Front 242).
Admission 6 € / 4 €
Literarisches Colloquium Berlin
Am Sandwerder 5
D-14109 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 – 816 996-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 – 816 996-19
Mail: mail@lcb.de
Web: www.lcb.de