COMIC CULTURE CLASH – Book Release. Around the globe in 20 conflicts

The End of History? Peace on Earth?

Think again! The world is in flames and we are in the midst of it. Conflicts are when diverging perspectives collide. This is always related to a particular standpoint. And the point on which one stands determines the individual angle of view.

The Berlin comic magazines Moga Mobo and Epidermophytie have let 40 comic artists fight out 20 conflicts on the drawing table. Single combat, comic-to-comic.

The result: a 264-page- long anthology with tales about misunderstood dictators, stranded refugees, cuddly AfD voters, paranoid drug lords and many belligerent people more. This handy reference book for current animosities will come into the world on September 30 th and will be FREE OF CHARGE.

The first editions, fresh from the press, are available at the public book launch where editors and artists will present their work and stand ready to answer questions. Subsequently, the accompanying, small but fine exhibition will be opened and hopefully war will be declared on one or another cold beverage at that occasion. Admission to both events is free.

Sometimes just stepping back will be enough to change one’s point of view. That is exactly what we want to achieve with this book. And we are using the means available to us: comics.

Book Presentation:
taz-Cafe Berlin
Rudi-Dutschke- Straße 23


Exhibition Opening:
Galerie Knoth und Krüger
Oranienstr. 188

For more information go here: